Engineering Wonders of the World
Volume III

Forfatter: Archibald Williams

År: 1945

Serie: Engineering Wonders of the World

Forlag: Thomas Nelson and Sons

Sted: London, Edinburgh, Dublin and New York

Sider: 407

UDK: 600 eng- gl

With 424 Illustrations, Maps, and Diagrams

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128 ENGINEERING WONDERS OF THE WORLD. which after collision had to return to port leaking like the proverbial sieve—stout and strong, and ready to “ laugh at all dis- aster ; ” but space will not permit. We shall conclude this section of the article by presenting our readers with a reproduction (Fig. 7) of a photograph (one The Mabel almost be inclined to Grace.” doubt that it was a genuine photograph) of the bows of the paddle-steamer Mabel Grace, after having been in collision when travelling about twenty-one knots an hour. The vessel was also damaged by fire through the capsizing of the cabin stoves at the moment of the collision. It was found neces- sary to cut off about forty feet from the steamer’s length forward and replace it. The work of renewal and repairs, which included a complete overhaul of the engines and boilers, as they had been disturbed by the shock of the collision, was carried out by the Thames Iron Works Company. Fig. 7.—THE “ MABEL GRACE ” IN DRY DOCK AFTER COLLISION.