Engineering Wonders of the World
Volume III

Forfatter: Archibald Williams

År: 1945

Serie: Engineering Wonders of the World

Forlag: Thomas Nelson and Sons

Sted: London, Edinburgh, Dublin and New York

Sider: 407

UDK: 600 eng- gl

With 424 Illustrations, Maps, and Diagrams

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THE HUGE STEEL PIPE, 8| FEET IN DIAMETER, FOR THE BIRMINGHAM AQUEDUCT AT MAES-Y-GELLI. This pipe is able to pass the full quantity for which the aqueduct is designed, 75,000,000 gallons a day. THREE PIPES IN TRENCH, HOPTON BROOK SYPHON, ELAN-BIRMINGHAM AQUEDUCT. The left-hand pipe is an overflow pipe. (Photos, by courtesy of Messrs. J. Mansergh and Sons.)