Engineering Wonders of the World
Volume III

Forfatter: Archibald Williams

År: 1945

Serie: Engineering Wonders of the World

Forlag: Thomas Nelson and Sons

Sted: London, Edinburgh, Dublin and New York

Sider: 407

UDK: 600 eng- gl

With 424 Illustrations, Maps, and Diagrams

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208 ENGINEERING WONDERS OF THE WORLD. A 40-inch water main. (Photo, E. Milner.} In conclusion, despite the size of the works, the Water Board are considering extensions that will be necessary in the future. The Thames may be drawn upon still further, as the great chalk beds through which its upper reaches flow absorb heavy rain like a sponge, [Note.—The author is greatly indebted to Mr. Engineer of the Metropolitan Water Board, for assistance given by him in regard to the preparation, revision, and illustrations of this article ; also to Messrs. Charles Wall, Limited, for use of photographs.] and pass the water out slowly to the river all the year round. These chalk deposits pro- duce, in fact, the same effects as a dam, though in a very different way, and to them Londoners owe in no small measure the regu- larity of their water supply. W. B. Bryant, M.Inst.C.E., Chief