Engineering Wonders of the World
Volume III

Forfatter: Archibald Williams

År: 1945

Serie: Engineering Wonders of the World

Forlag: Thomas Nelson and Sons

Sted: London, Edinburgh, Dublin and New York

Sider: 407

UDK: 600 eng- gl

With 424 Illustrations, Maps, and Diagrams

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BUILDING THE STATUE OF LIBERTY. 251 bearing the torch, was completed in Paris, and sent to America, where it was exhibited in the following table of the principal dimen- sions :— making full-sized plaster models of parts of the statue. In the background is seen the complete small-scale study model, from which the larger-scale models were successively produced. On the left, three workmen are busy modelling one of Liberty’s fingers. Philadelphia, and subsequently in New York. An Act of Congress accepting the statue as a gift from the French people, and setting apart Bedloe’s Island as a suitable place for its reception, was passed in 1877. The following year another portion of the figure, the head, was finished, and exhibited at the Paris Ex- position. The statue was completed in 1883, and in the same year the building Interesting1 great pedestal on Figures. , r which it stands was begun. Some idea of the colossal dimensions of both figure and pedestal may be gained from Ft. In. Total height of statue................... 151 1 Foundation of pedestal to torch.......... 305 6 Heel to top of head...................... Ill 5 Length of hand............................ 16 5 Index finger............................... 8 0 Circumference at second joint.............. 7 6 Size of finger nail.......... 13 by 10 in. Head from chin to cranium................. 17 3 Length of nose............................. 4 ß Right arm (length)........................ 42 0 Right arm (greatest thickness)............ 12 0 Thickness of waist........................ 35 0 Height of pedestal........................ 89 0 Square sides at base (each)............... 62 0 Square sides at top (each)................ 40 0 Height of foundation...................... 65 0 Square sides at bottom.................... 91 0 Square sides at top....................... 66 7