Engineering Wonders of the World
Volume III

Forfatter: Archibald Williams

År: 1945

Serie: Engineering Wonders of the World

Forlag: Thomas Nelson and Sons

Sted: London, Edinburgh, Dublin and New York

Sider: 407

UDK: 600 eng- gl

With 424 Illustrations, Maps, and Diagrams

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Cape to Cairo, II., 150-162. Central Pacific, III., 142,143,144,147. Chicago Freight Subways, I., 359-367. Florida East Coast Extension, I., 130-141. London tubes, I., 230-240, 300-311. St. Gothard, III., 148. Trans-Caspian, IL, 376, 378, 380. Trans-Siberian, III., 81-95. Uganda, II., 50-64. Union Pacific, III., 130, 132, 134, 136, 137-141. Wetterhorn Electric, II., 188-192. White Pass, L, 21-33. Range, maximum, of big guns, I., 407- REINFORCED CONCRETE: Adhesion of steel and concrete, II., 425. Aqueduct, III., 274. Ballroom, II., 432. Beam, II., 423, 424, 426. Bridges : Blagodatuoie, II., 429. Chingford reservoir, III., 204. Hudson Memorial, II., 276. Sambre, II., 419. Cattle gallery, Fishguard harbour, I., 179. Columns, II., 426, 427. Cost, compared with steel, II., 421, 422. New General Post Office buildings, II., 430. Pebbles for, IL, 420. Piles, II., 428. Sand for, II., 420. Staircase, II., 430. Strength, compared with steel, II., 421. Torpedo station, II., 432. Viaducts, I., 135-139, 141. Water tower, II., 431. RESERVOIRS: Ashokan, III., 104. Chingford, new, III., 200-203. Honor Oak, III., 193, 205. Lake Fife, III., 243. Lake Vyrnwy, III., 178. Lake Whiting, ITT., 243. Marikanave, III., 248. Ring of lining, Rotherhithe Tunnel, I., 55. Riveters, hydraulic, II., 73, 74, 252. Rolling mill for armour plate, I., 398. Roosevelt, President, at Panama Canal works, IL, 149. Rotary digger, Price’s, I., 302, 303, 305. Rudder frame of battleship, I., 391. S Saddle, cable, Runcorn transporter bridge, I., 298 ; Brooklyn Bridge, II., 261. Sailing ships : Great Harry, I., 314. Santa Maria, I., 313. Royal George, I., 314. Sakieh, II., 389. Saloon, dining-car, Rhodesian railways, IL, 150. Salt Lake valley, compared with valley of the Jordan, II., 85. Salton Sea, sunset on, III., 114. Sand panels for keeping sand oS railway, II., 380. Sand washer, mechanical, III., 207. Screw, Roman, I., 20. Searchlights at work, I., 449. S«wers of London : Bermondsey, III., 220. Catford-Blackheath, III., 225. Diversion chamber, III., 215. Northern outfall, III., 216, 218, 222. Plumstead-Crossness, III., 209, 223. Weir chamber, Abbey Mills, III., 215. Shadoof, II., 389. Sheer-legs, in Suez Canal, I., 253, lifting 180 tons, II., 67. Shells for big guns : Group of 12-inch, L, 412. Number fired per minute (compara- tive diagram), I., 409. Penetration (comparative diagram), I., 408. Weight of 12-inch, I., 411. SHIPBUILDING : Adriatic on slips, IL, 66. Bending- plate in hydraulic press, IL, 72. Cranks turning in lathe, II., 69. Drilling armour plates, II., 74. Frames, stringers, etc., II., 70. Launching cradle, II., 75, 76. Launch of Nelson, IL, 77 ; of Lord Nelson, II., 78. Mauretania being framed, II., 72. Mauretania1 s keel and double bot- tom, IL, 71. Mould loft, IL, 69. Multiple drilling machine, II., 67. Riveter, hydraulic, II., 74; portable, II., 73. Shaft tunnel of big liner, IL, 79. Sheer-legs, II., 67. Stern frame, IL, 73. Shipbuilding feats, extraordinary: Ermack, with new bow fitted, III., 123. Mabel Grace, with bows shattered, III., 128. Milwaukee, in dock after accident, III., 125; ready for new bow, 126; old and new parts ready for fitting, 127. Wittekind in dock for lengthening, III., 122. SIGNALLING, RAILWAY: Audible : Cab indicator, whistle, and bell, II., 239. General view of cab, showing ap- paratus installed, IL, 240. Rear part of locomotive, showing contact shoe, II., 239. Ramp for operating audible signal, IL, 239. Automatic electric : Automatic brake application,IL,236. Diagram showing operation of elec- tric railway, IL, 235. Diagram showing operation of steam railway, II., 237. On New York subway, II., 351. On single lines : Diagram showing operations of successive sections, II., 238. Electric staff holder, II., 237. Principle of automatic signalling, IL, 234. Signal on American railways, II., 236. Signal on North-Eastern Railway, II., 235. Interlocking : Facing point lock, II., 228. Lever locking, II., 229. System of interlocking points and signals, II., 228. Tappets, etc., of locking frame, II., 229. Power signalling : Electric locking frame, New York Central Railway, II., 230. [ 407 ] Electric locking frame at Reading, Great Western Railway, II., 231. Electro pneumatic signals, Washing- ton, II., 234. Point-shifting electric motor, IL, 232. Pneumatic switch, IL, 233. Signal box at Earl’s Court, II., 238. Semaphores, etc. : Balanced arm, II., 227. Disc signals, old, II., 226. Distant signal, II., 226. Gantry, Crewe, II., 225. Stepped signals, II., 226. Sludge being transferred to vessel at Barking, III., 217. Sluices between Manchester Ship Canal and Mersey, I., 160. Sluices, Stoney, IL, 398. Snow ploughs, railway: Bergen-Kristiania Railway, IIL. 350, 354. Canadian Pacific Railway, L, 263. Rotary, II., 242-245; III., 350, 354. Wedge shaped, II., 242. Snow-sheds : Bergen-Kristiania Railway, III.. 352, 353. Canadian Pacific Railway, L, 280, 281. Sphinx, I., 15. Spike, driving the last of the Canadian Pacific Railway, I., 283. Spreader, mechanical dump, II., 146. Stations, railway : Bogotol, Trans-Siberian Railway, III., 91. Doppersberg, Barmen - Elberfeld Railway, IL, 125, 126. Eigergletscher and Eigerwand, Jung- frau Railway, III., 309, 301. Hallingskeid, Bergen - Kristiania Railway, III., 347. Moazamraa, Hedjaz Railway, I., 347. Moose Jaw, Canadian Pacific Rail- way, I., 262. Ney York Subway, II., 354. Tebuk, Hedjaz Railway, I., 347. Vancouver, Canadian Pacific Rail- way, L, 286. Statue of Liberty, III., 250-256. STEAMSHIPS (see “Warships,” “ Cables, Submarine, Telegraph Ships ”): Angara, L, 77, 78. Baikal, I., 65-78. Cargo: Cantilever framed, I., 355. Clermont, Comet, and Charlotte Dun- das, I., 315. Development in horse-power (1840- 1907), I., 320. Development in size, I., 318. Doxford “ turret,” I., 354. Great Eastern, see Index. Half section, I., 353 Longitudinal framed, L, 355. Longitudinal section, I., 354, 355. Lusitania, I., 312 ; II., 172. Mauretania, I., 319. Oil tanker, longitudinal section, IL, 339. Tank, half section, I., 356. Steam shovel, IL, 138 : In new dock, Southampton, II., 181, 182. On Canadian Pacific Railway, I., 268. STEEL=FRAME BUILDINGS: Brooklyn Academy, II., 16. Buffalo Savings Bank, IL, 17. Crystal Palace, II., 3.