Soap Bubbles
and the Forces which Mould Them
Forfatter: F. R. S., A. R. S. M., C. V. Boys
År: 1890
Serie: Romance of Science Series
Sted: London
Sider: 178
UDK: 532
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Bogens tekst er maskinlæst, så der kan være en del fejl og mangler.
I do not suppose that there is any one in
this room who has not occasionally blown a
common soap-bubble, and while admiring the
perfection of its form, and the marvellous
brilliancy of its colours, wondered how it is
that such a magnificent object can be so easily
I hope that none of you are yet tired of
playing with bubbles, because, as I hope we
shall see during the week, there is more in a
common bubble than those who have only-
played with them generally imagine.
The wonder and admiration so beautifully
portrayed by Millais in a picture, copies of