Soap Bubbles
and the Forces which Mould Them
Forfatter: F. R. S., A. R. S. M., C. V. Boys
År: 1890
Serie: Romance of Science Series
Sted: London
Sider: 178
UDK: 532
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see, and on taking it out, the hairs, as we
expected, cling together (Fig. i, right hand),
because they are wet, as we are in the habit
of saying. I shall now hold the brush in
the water, but there it is evident that the
Fig- I.
hairs do not cling at all (Fig. i, middle),
and yet they surely are wet now, being actually
in the water. It would appear then that the
reason which we always give is not exactly
correct. This experiment, which requires no-
thing more than a brush and a glass of