Soap Bubbles
and the Forces which Mould Them
Forfatter: F. R. S., A. R. S. M., C. V. Boys
År: 1890
Serie: Romance of Science Series
Sted: London
Sider: 178
UDK: 532
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necked bottle, you know how if you pour
slowly it nearly all runs down the side of the
glass and gets spilled about, whereas if you
pour quickly there is no room for the great
quantity of water to pass into the bottle all at
once, and so it gets spilled again. But if you
take a piece of stick or a glass rod, and hold it
against the edge of the
tumbler, then the water
runs down the rod and
into the bottle, and none
is lost (Fig. 7) ; you may
even hold the rod inclined
to one side, as I am now
doing, but the water runs
down the wet rod because
this elastic skin forms a
kind of tube which pre-
vents the water from escap-
ing. This action is often made use of in the
country to carry the water from the gutters
under the roof into a water-butt below. A
piece of stick does nearly as well as an iron
pipe, and it does not cost anything like so
I think then I have now done enough to