Soap Bubbles
and the Forces which Mould Them
Forfatter: F. R. S., A. R. S. M., C. V. Boys
År: 1890
Serie: Romance of Science Series
Sted: London
Sider: 178
UDK: 532
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Bogens tekst er maskinlæst, så der kan være en del fejl og mangler.
the two cases are totally distinct, and what you
see has nothing whatever to do with the sun
and the planets.
We have thus seen that a large ball of liquid
can be moulded by the elasticity of its skin if
Fig. 18.
the disturbing effect of its weight is neutral-
ized, as in the last experiment. This disturbing
effect is practically of no account in the case
of a soap-bubble, because it is so thin that it
hardly weighs anything. You all know, of