Engineering Wonders of the World
Volume I
Forfatter: Archibald Williams
År: 1945
Serie: Engineering Wonders of the World
Forlag: Thomas Nelson and Sons
Sted: London, Edinburgh, Dublin and New York
Sider: 456
UDK: 600 eng - gl.
Volume I with 520 Illustrations, Maps and Diagrams
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A word as to the arrangement of the articles. From the point
of view of mere symmetry a grouping of subjects, each having its
items set in chronological order, was advisable. On the other hand,
the general reader would undoubtedly prefer a frequent change of
topic ; so, out of consideration for him, grouping has been sacrificed
in favour of a general distribution of subjects. This course made
it necessary to supply an exhaustive index, in which the facts
scattered over the work are brought together in due order.
A large proportion—roughly two-fifths—of the total page space
is devoted to illustrations. These fall under two main heads—the
pictorial, to show the progress of work ; the diagrammatic, to
demonstrate a principle, a function which diagrams perform more
effectively than mere verbal explanation. We have added a number
of sketches—such as those giving a bird’s-eye view of the Man-
chester Ship and Panama Canals and the London Tube Railways—
which present a subject in a manner not attainable by a photograph,
a map, or a diagram. The photographic cuts are based upon originals
selected carefully, and we trust that the reader will concur with
our opinion that as a collection they are thoroughly representative.