Engineering Wonders of the World
Volume I
Forfatter: Archibald Williams
År: 1945
Serie: Engineering Wonders of the World
Forlag: Thomas Nelson and Sons
Sted: London, Edinburgh, Dublin and New York
Sider: 456
UDK: 600 eng - gl.
Volume I with 520 Illustrations, Maps and Diagrams
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One of the enormous trilithons. The comparative size may
be judged of by the human figures in background.
ments have perpetuated the memory of em-
pires long passed away.
In order to treat so large a subject as the
present in the limits of a few pages, it is neces-
sary to confine our attention to a few typical
examples under each, branch of engineering.
Arguments in favour of the habitation of
Mars by rational beings are founded on the
so-called “ canals ” that score the surface of
the planet. Some authorities uphold that
they have an order which could not have
resulted from mere chance.
Similarly with the mysterious Stonehenge,
monuments at Stonehenge and
Carnac. The huge stones of which these are
composed impress one chiefly by their size,
which in turn suggests the problem of how
they were transported and erected. At Stone-
henge still stand erect huge stones weighing
individually many tons, while a number of
their fellows lie prostrate around them. We
THE “ TABLE OF THE MERCHANTS.” Plioto> L, k Xouzic, Carnac.
A huge Dolmen at Carnac in Brittany. The horizontal stone is 18 feet long and 10 feet wide, and rests on
the top of large upright slabs. A Dolmen is the central chamber of what was once a burial-ground.