Engineering Wonders of the World
Volume I

Forfatter: Archibald Williams

År: 1945

Serie: Engineering Wonders of the World

Forlag: Thomas Nelson and Sons

Sted: London, Edinburgh, Dublin and New York

Sider: 456

UDK: 600 eng - gl.

Volume I with 520 Illustrations, Maps and Diagrams

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TRANSPORTER BRIDGES. BY JOHN J. WEBSTER, M.Inst.C.E. An Interesting Account of the Latest Development of the Steel=built Bridge THERE are no records of the earliest history of bridge - building, and the word is not mentioned in the Old Testament; but ever since man appeared upon the earth there is no doubt that, in his natural inclination to wander away from his home, either from a love of exploration, Development of Bridges. or in the pursuit of game, or most probably with the intention of annexing his neighbour’s land, he would, before travel- ling very far, meet with some obstacle, such as a stream or a river. If the stream was too deep to be forded, possibly nature came to the * The Car of the Runcorn Transporter Bridge making a passage. On one occasion this car had 800 passengers on board. See page 297.