Engineering Wonders of the World
Volume I
Forfatter: Archibald Williams
År: 1945
Serie: Engineering Wonders of the World
Forlag: Thomas Nelson and Sons
Sted: London, Edinburgh, Dublin and New York
Sider: 456
UDK: 600 eng - gl.
Volume I with 520 Illustrations, Maps and Diagrams
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Photo, Great Western Railway Company.
This bridge was one of
Brunel, and its
gifted engineer.
the gigantic experiments made by Isambard Kingdom
successful erection
illustrates the resourcefulness of that
and largest types
the Royal Albert
A MONGST the earlier
/ \ of iron structures
-V Bridge, which spans at Saltash the
river Tamar (at that point a magnificent
expanse of water 1,100 feet wide and about
70 feet deep), occupies a very prominent
place. It was designed and erected by the
great engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel,
and forms the connecting link by which rail-
way communication was first established be-
tween the counties of Devon and Cornwall.
The railway history of the latter county is
replete with engineering achievements, as
denced by the numerous lofty, massive
ducts spanning its well-wooded valleys ;
these sink almost into insignificance in com-
parison with the huge structure at Saltash,
which is at once the last and greatest of
Brunel’s railway works. The outstanding fea-
tures are its large dimensions, coupled with
the economical character of the design and the
form of superstructure ; while the method by
which the foundations of the piers were se-
cured and the girders erected was unique.