Engineering Wonders of the World
Volume I
Forfatter: Archibald Williams
År: 1945
Serie: Engineering Wonders of the World
Forlag: Thomas Nelson and Sons
Sted: London, Edinburgh, Dublin and New York
Sider: 456
UDK: 600 eng - gl.
Volume I with 520 Illustrations, Maps and Diagrams
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Five more camels were constructed and'
attached to the Gladiator, three on the star-
board and two on the port side. The two last
were intended merely to prevent the vessel
coming over too far to port when she should
be righted, and the cables attaching them to
the port side bilge-keel were of such a length
as to become taut only when the decks should
6,000 tons an hour. The air-compressors ex-
pelled the water from the camels on the star-
board side, and soon the masts rose above
the water. Our illustrations show the various
stages of this part of the operations. When
the masts were about 20° from the vertical,
further progress demanded that water-
tight wooden walls should be built to enclose
THE “ GLADIATOR ” HALF RIGHTED. Photo, S. Cribb, Southsea.
be level. The three diagrams (page 44) will
explain the arrangement of tripods and camels,
and their positions at the beginning and end
of the operations. To make the cruiser come
over more readily, 250 tons of pig-iron were
piled on the port bilge-keel.
The preparations completed, the steamers
began to heave on the cables, and the pumps
to draw water from the vessel at the rate of
part of the upper deck and the bases of the
smoke-stacks. Divers screwed stout beams to
the deck and nailed upright planks to them,
and caulked all seams. Some pumps were
now transferred to the Gladiator, among them
two driven by petrol motors.
The shock to the Gladiator at the time of
the collision had sheared a number of rivets
in the bulkheads, and otherwise rendered many