Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony

Forfatter: Alfred P. Morgan

År: 1917

Forlag: The Norman W. Henley Publishing Company

Sted: New York

Udgave: Third Edition, Fully Illustrated

Sider: 33

UDK: 621.396.1 Mor

A practical Treatise on Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, giving Complete and Detailed Explanations of the Theory and Practice of Modern Radio Apparatus and its Present Day Applications, together with a chapter on the possibilities of its Future Development

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_____________ CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS _____________________________________________ CHARTS ______ GASOLINE ENGINE TROUBLES MADE EASY—A CHART SHOWING SEC- TIONAL VIEW OF GASOLINE ENGINE. Compiled by Victor W. Page. It shows clearly all parts of a typical four-cylinder gasoline engine of the four-cycle type. It outlines distinctly all parts liable to give trouble and. also details the de- rangements apt to interfere with smooth engine operation. Valuable to students, motörists, mechanics, repairmen, garagemen, automobile sales- men chauffeurs, motor-boat owners, motor-truck and tractor drivers, aviators, motor- cyclists, and all others who have to do with gasoline power plants. . It simplifies location of all engine troubles, and while it will prove invaluable to the novice, it can be used to advantage by the more expert. It should be on the walls of every public and private garage, automobile repair shop, club house or school. It can be carried in the automobile or pocket with ease and will insure against loss or timo when engine trouble manifests itself. . This sectional view of engine is a complete review of all motor troubles. It is pre- pared. by a practical motorist for all who motor. No details omitted. 25x38 inches...........................................................»° cents LUBRICATION OF THE MOTOR CAR CHASSIS. This chart presents the plan view of a typical six-cylinder chassis of standard design and all parts are clearly indicated that demand oil, also the frequency with which they must be lubricated and. the kind of oil to use. A practical chart for all interested, in motor-caf maintenance. Size 24x38 inches. Price..................25 cents LOCATION OF CARBURETION TROUBLES MADE EASY. This chart shows all parts of a typical pressure feed fuel supply system and gives causes of trouble, how to locate defects and means of remedying them. ^4x3» inches. Price....................................................35 cents LOCATION OF IGNITION SYSTEM TROUBLES MADE EASY. In this chart all parts of a typical double ignition system using battery and magneto current are shown and suggestions are given for readily finding ignition troubles ana eliminating them when found. Size 24x38 inches. Price____________25 cents location of cooling and lubrication system faults. This composite chart shows a typical automobile power plant using pump circulated water-cooling system and the most popular lubrication method. Gives suggestions for curing all overheating and loss of power faults due to faulty action of the oiling or cooling group. Size 24x38 inches. Price....................... ao cents MOTORCYCLE TROUBLES MADE EASY—A CHART SHOWING SECTIONAL VIEW OF SINGLE - CYLINDER GASOLINE ENGINE. Compiled by Victor W. Page. This chart simplifies location of all power-plant troubles, and will prove invaluable to all who have to do with the operation, repair or sale of motorcycles. No details omitted. Size 25x38 inches. Price..............................'s5° ceuts LOCATION OF FORD ENGINE TROUBLES MADE EASY. Compiled by Victor W. Page, M.E. This shows clear sectional views depicting all portions °£ ^he Ford power plant and auxiliary groups. It outlines clearly all parts of the engine, fuel supply system, ignition group and cooling system, that are apt to give Rouble, detaihi^ all derange- ments that are liable to make an engine lose power, stait work irregulaily. I ms chart is valuable to students, owners, and drivers, as it simplifies^location of aU engine faults. Of great advantage as an instructor for the novice, it canbe.used equally well by the more expert as a work of reference and review. It can be'earned in the tool- box or pocket with ease and will save its cost in labor eliminated the; first, tame en^ne trouble manifests itself. Prepared with special reference to the average man s needs and is a practical review of all motor troubles because it is based__ on-the actual e - perience of an automobile engineer-mechanic with the mechanism the chart; describes. It enables the non-technical owner or operator of a Ford car to locate eng e - rangements by systematic search, guided by easily guesswork. It makes the average owner independent of the roadp4® when touring. Must be seen to be appreciated. Size 25x38 inches. Printed o heavy bond paper. Price, ............................................*®0 7