A practical Treatise on Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, giving Complete and Detailed Explanations of the Theory and Practice of Modern Radio Apparatus and its Present Day Applications, together with a chapter on the possibilities of its Future Development
ÄSt?keep hii^Ilfhupdto°tlwVmhiute^n ttøSortan^T plumber who
Contains following chapters, each illustrated fcafcl}I'o of construction,
laundry tubs, vegetable wash sink; lavatoriesi J^Å'Page.pIiite: Kitchen sink,
bath tub, foot and sitz bath, shower bath - water of marble slabs;
down water closets, water closets ventlnS of water closets; low-
urinals, the bidet; hotel land?loset range; slopÄ
dry waste, lines of refrigerators, bar si^s ’sodf ?eraiors’ safe wastes, laun-
water c osets; connections for S traps vlnÄ h?rse sta11’ frost-proof
connections; supporting of soil pipæ Æ tran ?nrS“S c rum traPs= soil pipe
cellar drains, subsoil drainage; water“ctosete.a fl^a’r J1V-et; floor drains and
connections for bath rooms; connections for bath connections; local venting;
bath rooms, continued; connections for bath continued; connections for
practice; roughing work ready for test' testing of°^™^ntmued ’ examPles of poor
tmuous venting; continuous venting for floor wn^8 ?-ystcm; method of con-
lines of fixtures on three or more floors eontinnnn^h’. continuous venting for two
mg for cottage house; construction X’S S. Ä-f WFer closets Plumb'
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lishment; plumbing for engtae house &C±S Plui?bing for bath itab-
schools, factories, etc.; use of flushing valves^ lirina?«*1^’ a4t2matl.c flushing for
Durham system, the destruction of pints bv eWtmSÄ £°r ?ublJP toilot rooms: the
use of lead; automatic sewage lift - automatic snmn t™t\c°nstFuctl?n of work without
tion of cesspools; septic tank andiuS:Scountry plumbing; construc-
supply for country house; thawing of wate? Ä : Pountry plumbing; water
™-»ase engravings. ThirSÄ
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