A practical Treatise on Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, giving Complete and Detailed Explanations of the Theory and Practice of Modern Radio Apparatus and its Present Day Applications, together with a chapter on the possibilities of its Future Development
Automobile Repairing
Made Easy
Member Society of Automobile Engineers
Author of “The Modern Gasoline Automobile,” Etc.
1056 Pages (5^x8) 10 Folding Plates
1000 Specially Made Engravings on 500 Plates
Price $3.00 Net
A Comprehensive, Practical Exposition of Every Phase of
Modern Automobile Repairing Practice
The only book of its kind it fills a real demand
LTLINES every process incidental to motor car restoration.
LT. ,'ES cvery P.rocc“ incidental to motor car restoration. Gives plans for workshop con-
struction, suggestions for equipment, power needed, machinery and tools necessary to carry
on business successfully. 1 oils how to overhaul and repair all parts of ajl automobiles. The
, mfoi mation given is founded ob practical experience, everything is explained so sininlv that
■’tiiclents can acquire a full working knowledge of automobile repairing. Other works
111 rcI)ai.rln8 cover only certain paris of the car—this work starts with the engine then
considers carburetion,.ignition, cooling and lubrication systems. The clutch change speed searinc
ÄrÄlss,on s?'stc'u “re considered in detail. Contains instructions for' repainPn| all tvnes of
axles,. teering gears and other chassis parts. Many tables, short cuts in figuring and rules of Dractico
are given for the mechanic. Explains fully valve and magneto timing, “tuning” engines" svstem'itie
location of trouble, repair of ball and roller bearing, shop kinks, first aid to injured and a multitude
tcr-all in Hie garage and repair business. All illustrations are especially mado
lor Hus book, and are actual photographs or reproductions of engineering drawings
• This book also contains Special Instructions on Electric Starting. Lighting and Ignition Sustems
Tire Repairing and Rebuilding, Autogenous Welding, Brazin^and Soldering Ileal Treatment
Latest Tuning Practice Eight and Twelve CylinderMotors,.M." etc You^ill never ?‘Ge^
a Job if you own this book. • ’ c.ei üiuck. on
1- T^° Automobile Repair Shop. Buildings for Repair Work. Machinery and Power Ar-
rangement of Departments. Bench and Floor Equipment 2 Small Tool Eniilnm«,,
Shops Tools for Adjusting and Erecting. Precision ^leasurl.wTooJs a,ulTheir ^ Special Took
Complete List of Tools and Supplies Needed. 3. Overhauling the Gasoline Fnirinø Hnw tr» m:-
mantle Motor Defects in all Motor Parts. Repairing Scored and Cracked Cylinders Valve
Revirs. Fitting Bearings Valve Timing. Eight Cylinder V Motors Sleevei ValveMotor?
4. Cooling, Carburetion and Lubrication System Faults, Overheating. Radiator Repaid WatpA
Pump Repairs. Fue Feed Methods. Adjusting Carburetors. Oiling Systems Where to Took
for Lubrication Trouble. 5 Location and Remedy of Ignition Faults Battery Ignitfon System
.Magneto Systems. How to Find All Ignition Troubles. Magneto Care and Adjustment Mod™
Timing 6. Motor Starting and Car Lighting Systems. Lading System™ Described n
Detail Wiring Diagrams. • Tracing Faults. 7. Clutch and Gearbox Faults. PrindoalClutch
Troubles Outlined Clutch Repair. • Planetary Gearsets. Friction Drives. Sliding Gear Trans
missions. 8..Faults in Chassis Components. Overhauling the Chassis. - Spring Repairs Stcprinir
•Gears. 9. The Rear Axle and Driving System. Semi. Three-quarter and Full Floadng Axles cLre
•of Drive and Differential Gears. Axle Bear ngs. 10. Wheel Rims and Tirps w lif w>™i am
Types of Rims Rebuilding and Repairing Tires. 11. MiscellanX Repair ProceYse?
Welding. Heat Treatment of Steel. Brazing and Soldering. 12. Useful InformaHnn gw? ■
Kinks, Recipes and Formulae. 14. Useful Tables for Mechanics. Mathomatteal Mprh^i^‘n«tS’-
eluding Horse-power and Speed Charts. ' atical, Mechanical, ui-