A practical Treatise on Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, giving Complete and Detailed Explanations of the Theory and Practice of Modern Radio Apparatus and its Present Day Applications, together with a chapter on the possibilities of its Future Development
House Wiring
Jslectrical Engineer and Contractor’
125 Pages Mx6) Fully Illustrated Limp Cloth Binding
Price 50 Cents
This work describes and illustrates the actual installa-
tion of Electric Light Wiring, the manner in which the
work should be done, and the method of doing it. The
book can be conveniently carried in thé pocket.' It is
intended for the Electrician, Helper and Apprentice. It solves all Wiring
Problems and contains nothing that conflicts with the rulings of the
National Board of Fire Underwriters. It gives just the information essen-
tial to the successful Wiring of a Building.
AVERY practical book describing the methods and devices used in house wiring. The descrip-
tions refer essentially to the mechanics of the. subject and give directions for installing
electric lamps and wiring in the average two-story dwelling house.
I.—Showing the Plans and Layout of the Electrical Work. Floor Plans; Circuits; Brackets;
^Switches; Plug Receptacles; Feeding Mains; Meter Connections; Panel Board. II.—Flexible
■Metallic Wiring System: Flexible Conduit: Flexible Steel-armored Cable; Installing Switches;
Brackets, Plug Receptacles, and Ceiling Fixtures; Panel Board and Feeding Mains; Fuses and Cir-
cuit Switches; Drawing Flexible Conduit and Steel-armored Cable Under the Floors and Between
Partitions; Setting Switch, Bracket and Ceiling Boxes. III.—Installing Rigid Conduit: Method
of Setting Boxes, Including Switch, Bracket, Ceiling and Plug Receptacles; Placing Conduit Under
the Floors and Through Partitions: Elbows; Bending Conduit; Using Running Threads. IV.—
Combining Flexible and Rigid Conduit- Showing How to Change from One System to the Other;
Several Problems Shown and Explained by Using a Combination of the'Two Systems; How Timo
can be Saved and a Neater Work Installed by Combining the Systems. V.—Wiring and Switch
Diagrams and Connections: "Fishing” the Conduits; Drawing the Wires into the Conduit; Dia-
grams and. Explanation of Single- and Double-pole 3- and 4-way Switches and Connections; Tho
Easiest Method of Testing the 3- and 4-way Switch Wires Preparatory to Connecting Them to tho
Switches. VI.—Grounding Metallic Conduit Systems: The Connecting to the Ground of Metallic
Systems of Wiring: The Proper Method ot Connecting Conduits to Boxes; The Reason for Ground-
ing; The Insulating of Brackets and Electric Ceiling Fixtures and the Reason for Doing So. VII.
—Knob and Tube System: Bracket Outlet; Ceiling Outlet.; Switch Outlet; Wiring ill Partitions
:in ?Jew and Oki Buildings; Placing Wires Under Floors'. .
Contains just the. information heeded for tho successful wiring of a building.—Scientific American.
The information is exact and exhaustive, without being overladen with details.—DruQQist
Circular. ■
Only practical examples of work arc mentioned in this book.—The Power House.