Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony

Forfatter: Alfred P. Morgan

År: 1917

Forlag: The Norman W. Henley Publishing Company

Sted: New York

Udgave: Third Edition, Fully Illustrated

Sider: 33

UDK: 621.396.1 Mor

A practical Treatise on Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, giving Complete and Detailed Explanations of the Theory and Practice of Modern Radio Apparatus and its Present Day Applications, together with a chapter on the possibilities of its Future Development

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 I CHAPTER III. THE TRANSMITTING APPARATUS. The principal instruments composing the apparatus used for sending the wireless messages comprise an induction coil, or in its place a transformer, a key, a spark gap, a condenser, and a helix. < The current supply available will determine the type of the instruments, and whether an induction coil or a transformer is used. Unless current mains for light and power are already installed, it must be generated by an engine and dynamo, or recourse had to batteries. Induc- tion coils may be operated on either direct or alternating current. Dry cells are most commonly employed to furnish Fig. 28.—Diagram showing how batteries may be arranged in “series” or “series multiple.” the current for small induction coils, but a storage or some form of renewable primary cell, such as the Fuller and Edison, is necessary if the coil is a large one. When dry cells are used, they should be connected in 27