A practical Treatise on Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, giving Complete and Detailed Explanations of the Theory and Practice of Modern Radio Apparatus and its Present Day Applications, together with a chapter on the possibilities of its Future Development
between a series of fixed semi-circular plates of a slightly
larger diameter. The plates must not touch one another
and move back and forth with perfect freedom. The di-
electric is formed by the air spacing between the plates.
Fig. 83— Dr. Seibt’s rotary variable condenser. The plates are
turned from a solid casting and the separation between is only
.01 inch.
The advantage of an air dielectric is that no losses of
energy take place through hysterisis. Hysterisis is the
lagging which takes place in the process of charging and
discharging. A thumb knob is fitted to the rnovfiblc plates
and provided with a pointer moving over a graduated scale
so that the degree of capacity in use is indicated.