Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony

Forfatter: Alfred P. Morgan

År: 1917

Forlag: The Norman W. Henley Publishing Company

Sted: New York

Udgave: Third Edition, Fully Illustrated

Sider: 33

UDK: 621.396.1 Mor

A practical Treatise on Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, giving Complete and Detailed Explanations of the Theory and Practice of Modern Radio Apparatus and its Present Day Applications, together with a chapter on the possibilities of its Future Development

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WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY 69 wave lengths. The condensers are capable of finer adjust- ment than tuning coils because the change is gradual and even and is not in jumps from one step to another as from one turn to the next turn of the coil. If the desired point of resonance should happen to come between two wires of the coil and not in a position to be reached by the slider, the variable condenser can be adjusted to reach the exact degree of resonance and thus bring the circuit into finer ad- justment than would otherwise be possible. The exact way in which this is accomplished and the effect upon the circuit will be left to the next chapter.