The Romance of Modern Chemistry

Forfatter: James C. Phillip

År: 1912

Forlag: Seeley, Service & Co. Limited

Sted: London

Sider: 347

UDK: 540 Phi

A Description in non-technical Language of the diverse and wonderful ways in which chemical forces are at work and of their manifold application in modern life.

With 29 illustrations & 15 diagrams.

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CHEMISTRY OF THE STARS of this kind is obtained by introducing a little common salt (sodium chloride), say on the previously charred and moistened end of a match, into the non-luminous flame of a spirit-lamp or a Bunsen burner. To the naked eye the background. The actual solar Bpectrum contains an infinitely greater number of lines than are represented here. flame will assume an intense yellow colour, and if the spectroscope is directed towards it, the spectrum is seen to consist of a single yellow line, as shown in Fig. 11 the flame, in fact, is giving out only one particular kind of light. With a first-class instrument, this line turns out to be two distinct lines very close together, out this 207