Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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top tubes in a similar manner to the back fork ends, and
the bottom stay-eyes to the long stay tubes.
Bridge Tubes.—Fit the short stay tubes to the top
bridge in a similar manner, and knock the short bottom-
bridge tubes on the bridge lugs. These joints are now
ready for brazing, if they are all a good knock-on fit ; but
if any of them are loose and likely to move, drill and peg
with a piece of wire or brazing peg. Cobbler’s round
heel brads make very good brazing pegs (see Figs. 39
and 40).
Fitting Head Tubes.—Fit the head tube to the top
and bottom head lugs ; drill and peg these. Then fit the
top and bottom frame tubes to their respective lugs, drill
and peg, and this part is ready for brazing. To keep this
part firm whilst being brazed, and to ensure them cooling ^
at the proper angle, the bottom bracket and seat lug may
be fitted to the down tube, and this used as a stay whilst
the head lugs are being brazed, by fitting temporarily the
ends of the top and bottom tubes into the seat lug and
bottom bracket respectively.
The down or seat tube should, of course, be first cut to
Correct length, and before brazing, the top and bottom
tubes must be true with each other and out of winding.