Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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raely, that the two blades are not of equal curvature.
This should be looked for before they are fitted to the
crown, by putting the two together and laying them on
their back edges on a level surface, when the spindle holes
should be exactly the same height. Should they not be
perfectly equal in curve, one must be increased in curve,
or the other slightly straightened.
When brazing the blades to the crown, stay the ends
with the front spindle or other stay to keep the ends the
exact distance apart. When brazing, lay the fork on its
side on the hearth, with the crown some 3 in. or 4 in.
lower than the fork ends. Shake the spelter and borax
well down to the crown end, and braze the lower blade,
directing the flame on to the crown first until it becomes
a dull red. Put some borax on the joint, and then move
the flame to the joint, and feed with brass and borax. Let
the brass set, then remove and brush. Treat the other
blade in a similar manner.
Setting Front Forks.—After brazing the forks they
should be fitted to the front wheel, again tested for truth,
and set where necessary. They may not require any more
setting ; but one blade often becomes slightly longer than
the other in brazing, thus throwing the wheel rim out of
centre in the forks. If this is very slight, which is all it
should be at the most, it may be corrected by slightly filing
the hole in the fork end at the top on the side to which the
rim is nearest. If one of the blades has moved in brazing
so much that the rim is much out of centre, unbraze one
blade, refit, and rebraze ; but if the blades are well pegged
and tested before brazing, this should not be necessary.