Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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In preparing the work for brazing, see that the surfaces
are bright, clean, and free from scale. The joints should
be a good tight fit, free from shake, and where a joint such
as the back forks to the bridge lugs is being made, see that
the tube edges fit close up to the shoulder of the lugs all
round, and do not depend on the brass to fill up a badly
fitted joint.
In brazing the joint the chief things to observe are to
make a sound joint the full depth of the lug, and not
merely to get a thin film of brass round the outer edge.
To do this the flame should be directed on to the thickest
Fig. 44.—Serrated Liner
part of the lug first before getting the tube too hot, and
feeding the joint with borax before the metals get hot
enough to scale. As soon as the lug and tube begin to
get a dull red feed with borax only, then with brass and
borax, when it should flow almost like water and penetrate
to the deepest part of the joint.
Another very important thing is not to “ burn ” the
tube by getting it too hot, which will spoil it and cause
an early fracture. If the above method of heating the lug
first is observed, and the tube near the lug kept “ wet ”
with borax to prevent it scaling, this should not happen.
Where a joint is being brazed which lends itself to
inside loading, the work should be so placed on the hearth