Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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toggle spring ; 255V, toggle chain and rod ; 256Y, lubri-
cator ; 257V, spindle.
The “Eadie” two-speed coaster hub (Fig. 56) com-
bines a two-speed gear, a free-wheel, and a brake, its parts
being shown in Fig. 57 and consisting of the following :
301A, shell, less cups ; 302A, friction plate ; 303A, brake
spring, with phosphor-bronze ring; 304A, chain ring;
305A, clutch part, with gear ring ; 306A, driving screw ;
307A, stud pinion ; 308A, ball-race ring ; 309A, clutch
nut; 310A, brake lever; 311A, 312A, and 316A, chain-stay
clip with pins and nut ; 314A, spindle ; 315A, toggle spring ;
317A, lock nut with oil-hole cover ; 318A, rigìit hand cup ;
319A, lock ring ; 320A, left hand cup ; 321A, ball retainer,
t86 in. large ; 322A, ball retainer, A in. small ; 313A, brake-
cam cone and lever ; 323A, clutch-nut spring ; 324A, lubri-
cator ; 325A, clutch-nut spring screw ; 326A, grub screw ;
327A, sliding pinion ; 328A, detaining-clutch collar ; 329A,
adjusting cone ; 330A, ball retainer, I in. ; 331 A, actu-
ating pin ; 332A, brass ferrule ; 333A, spindle nut ; 334A,
fixing or check nut ; 335A, split collar ; 336A, detaining-
clutch peg ; 337A, guide nut ; and 338A, toggle chain
and rod. Figs. 58 and 59 show the Eadie controls.
The tables on p. 125 apply to both the “Eadie”
two-speed hub and to the “ Eadie ” two-speed coaster.
“ Three-Speed ” Variable Gears.—“ Sturmey-Archer ”
three-speed gears are of two patterns—without and with
an automatic brake and known respectively as the “ three-
speed hub” (Figs. 60 to 65), and as the “tri-coaster”
(Figs. 66 to 71). The parts of these two devices
are shown by Figs. 61 and 66, and it is not proposed