Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts

År: 1916

Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD

Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne

Sider: 152

UDK: 629.118

With 79 Illustrations

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132 CYCLE REPAIRING 95. knurled connection ; 97, fulcrum clip ; 98, thimble ; 100, fulcrum bolt ; 101, fulcrum nut ; 102, inner cable ; 103, outer cable ; 104, diagonal clip ; 105, pulley ; 106, pulley-arm screw ; and 107, pulley arm. The table on p. 133 shows the gears obtainable with 26-in. and 28-in. wheels, and with 16-, 18-, and 20-tooth hub rings, and applies to both types of the Sturmey- Archer device. This table is a general guide to the variations obtain- able with the majority of three-s*peed gears. The three-speed hub can be supplied for any width of back-jaw down to 4 in. It is drilled for 40 spoke holes only, while the hub ring has 9 and 10 teeth for 1-in. chains, 14 and 15 for f-in., and 16, 18, 20 for ^dn., and Is made for iV> an^ LLt. width, and for any chain line from If to 2 in. inclusive ; in the tri-coaster up to lf-in. chain line. The various chain lines are obtained by fitting different detachable sprockets, which are supplied to order. The following directions for fitting either of the Sturmey-Archer devices are supplied by the makers : “It is not necessary to take any part of the hub to pieces when building the wheel, as the spokes on the driv- ing side can be inserted without removing the sprocket. When built, the wheel should be set square in the back jaws, and the bearings adjusted by means of the left-hand cone in the ordinary manner. The right-hand cone is a fixture, and must on no account be meddled with. After adjusting, see that the axle nuts are both well tightened. Having fitted the wheel, the change-speed