Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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Miscellaneous Repairs and Operations
Fitting Seat Lug to Cycle.—For removing an old seat
lug on gent’s cycle, and fitting a new one in its place,
first strip the frame of all fittings and scrape or file the
enamel off the sides of the seat lug and top head lug ;
find the brazing pegs or screws, centre-punch them and
drill out. The top head lug should now be heated on
the brazing hearth and sprung off the head tube with the
top tube. This requires care to heat in the proper place
and in the springing off, or the head lug or tube may be
damaged. When this is free of the head tube, proceed
to heat the seat lug and draw this off when sufficiently
hot, that is when the brass is flowing.
Great care is necessary not to damage the tubes by
bending or splitting the thin ends of the lugs. The best
way is to procure assistance for this operation so that
both hands may be free to work the lugs off' while the
blowpipe is at work.
Clean up the ends of the head and seat tubes, fit the
new seat lug to the top tube, and then replace on the
head and seat tubes, peg when in position, and proceed*
to re-braze. The new seat lug should be sawn nearly
through at the back before fitting on, as it will be
difficult to saw after brazing if of malleable iron.