Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts

År: 1916

Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD

Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne

Sider: 152

UDK: 629.118

With 79 Illustrations

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CYCLE REPAIRING 150 strands will fly open. Draw ont the wire and cut the spiral, then grease and push it through again. Heat the nipple (not the wire) and push it on the wire at the same distance from the end as the piece cut of! the spiral. Then run solder round to keep the strands from opening and cut of! with a sharp chisel £■ in. from the nipple. Spread out the strands and run the solder through, leaving a round head on the nipple as it was before. Screw the blocks into the shoe so that they fit the edges of the rim and miss the spokes. Fix the lever clip on the handle-bar, and bridge and spring clips on the stays. Clip the nipple in the shoe, raise the bridge until the blocks touch the rim, and pull down the spring clips until the blocks miss the rim. Fit the band clips round the spiral, and screw up all parts tight. If there is not sufficient power, raise the bridge. Cycle Engineers’ Screw Threads_____________The screw threads adopted by the Cycle Engineers’ Institute are as follow :— Diameter in Decimals No. of Threads per inch Diameter in Decimals No. of Threads per inch Diameter in Decimals No. of Threads per inch •056 62 •154 40 •375 26 •064 62 •175 32 *•5625 20 •072 62 •1875 32 1-000 26 •080 62 •250 26 t 1-290 24 •092 56 •266 26 1-370 24 •104 44 •281 26 t 1-4375 24 •125 40 •3125 26 1-5000 24 The size marked * is for right- and left-hand threads, and the marked f are for a left-hand thread only. sizea