Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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Bogens tekst er maskinlæst, så der kan være en del fejl og mangler.
Lining or striping, 83-85
Lubricants, 26, 30
Lycett saddles, 38
Micro free-wheel clutch, 109
Mudguards, fitting, 99
----, repairing. 35, 36
New Departure hub, 29, 30, 110-112
Oil, lubricating. 30
Overhauling, 1-39
Palmer tyre, 42
Parts for building cycle, 87
---- of machine named and illus-
trated, 1-8
Pedals, fixing loose, 22
Pedersen three-speed gear, 141
Plating, 76-78
----, protecting, 37
Ratchet free-wheel clutch, 108
Renold chain, 25
Repairs, miscellaneous. 142-150
Rims, drilling, 143, 148
----, fitting new. 14, 15
----, wooden, drilling, 148
----, ---, jointing, 147, 148
Roller or friction free-wheel
clutch, 107
Rover chainless bicycle, 3
Rubber solution, 43
----, testing quality of, 44, 45
Rudge-Whitworth bicycle parts,
Rust, removing, 36
Saddles, preserving, 39
Screw threads, cycle engineers’,
Seat lug. fitting, 142
Spindles, bracket, truing, 145
Spoke, fitting new 16
---- grip, 10
----- nipple key, 10, 11
----- screwing die, 9, 10
Stay-eyes, top and bottom, 94, 95
Steering head, adjusting. 33, 34
Stove-enamelling cycle, 70-75
Sti mey-Archer three-speed gear,
---5 ,,ri-coaster, 128-135
Sun am free-wheel clutch. 108
Thrï -speed gears, 124-141
Tool*-; jfor building cycle, 86
Torp«, ,o coaster hub. 113-117
Traci' getting cycle in, 13
Transit r lining paper, 84
Transft rs. affixing, 68, 69
Tri-coat ter, Sturmey-Archer. 128-
Truing bracket spindles, 145
---- forks, 31
---- wheels, 10, 11, 92, 93
Tubes, air-holes in, 97
----, brazing, 94-98
----, bridge, 95
----, fitting new, 146, 147
----, head, 95
Two-speed gears. 121-124
Tyre cover, cuts in, 45-47
-—- -----, fixing bands on, 51, 52
---- ----, gaiter patches on, 49
---- ----, patching. 47, 48
---- ----, relining, 49, 50
---- ----, removing. 41
---- ----, repairing. 40-53
---- repairing, outfit for, 43, 44
---- repairs, cold vulcanising, 60
---- tube, leaky joints in, 55
---- ----, porous, 61
---- ----, repairing, 54-61
---- ----, testing, for punctures,
----, wired-on. replacing, 42
Valve, changing position of, 55
----, leaky, 58
Valves described, 57
Varnish, celluloid, 38
Wheel building, 90-93
---- repairing tools, 10. 11
----, truing. 10, 11 92, 93
Wheels and chain, adjusting, 27
Wood rims, drilling, 148
---- ----, jointing, 147, 148
Woods’ valve, 57, 58
Working drawing of cycle, 88
Printed by Cassell & Company, Limited, La Belle Sauvage, London, E.C.