Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts

År: 1916

Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD

Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne

Sider: 152

UDK: 629.118

With 79 Illustrations

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OVERHAULING A BICYCLE 9 Arranging the Machine.—Place the machine on the stand, or, in the absence of a stand, suspend the machine by a rope to a hook somewhere above. Take off the chain by removing the chain nut and pin, replace the pin and nut in one end of the chain, to prevent it getting lost, and put on one side. Have at hand a box or tray in which to put the loose parts as they are detached, or when re- assembling there may be several parts missing. Removing the Wheels.—Remove both of the wheels from the forks, take off the tyres, and hang up for treat- Fig. 6.—Solid Spoke- Fig. 7.—Adjustable Spoke- screwing Die screwing Die ment later. Now comes the important part of examination of bearings. This may be thorough or superficial, accord- ing to the age and make of the machine. That is to say, supposing the machine was only new the previous season and was built by a good maker, it is reasonable to suppose that they should be in good condition and only require cleaning out. On the other hand, if the machine is several seasons old, and the bearings show signs of wear, by much shake or unevenness of running, then it will be decidedly preferable that this part should be thoroughly overhauled, it being taken to pieces for the purpose.