Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts

År: 1916

Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD

Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne

Sider: 152

UDK: 629.118

With 79 Illustrations

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OVERHAULING A BICYCLE ii If the wheel is only out of truth slightly sidewise, con- trollable by one or two spokes, the job may be done without removing the tyre ; but if it is much out, and especially in the round, then it is certainly advisable to remove the tyre before starting on the job, as it is difficult to true a wheel in the round with the tyre on. Moreover, there is the risk of the spokes protruding through the nipples far enough to cause trouble to the air tube. If the wheel is true in the round, but out otherwise, spin the wheel whilst held in the forks of the machine, and by holding a piece of chalk to the side of the rim, the part that is most out of truth will be marked. Feel the tension of the spokes on this side (where chalked), and if very tight slightly slack the nipples at this place, and then tighten up those on the opposite side to the chalk mark. Care must be observed not to overdo it at first ; about half a turn should be tried, and then the wheel spun and chalked again. Should the nipples be a very tight fit on the spokes, it will be advisable to hold the spoke as close up to the nipple as possible whilst the nipple is turned with the nipple key. Otherwise, the spoke may be twisted off or partly twisted instead of the nipple moving on the thread. Avoid getting unequal tension on the spokes, as a wheel will never remain true long with this state of things existing. Fig. 9.—Spoke Nipple Key