Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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Bogens tekst er maskinlæst, så der kan være en del fejl og mangler.
each one up about half a turn or so, then test, correct if
out of truth much, and go round again until the wheel is
true, and the spokes have the required and equal tension.
File off any protruding spoke ends, and the wheel is finished.
The secret of successful wheel-building is : spokes all of
one dead length, tension on spokes must be obtained
gradually, and equality of spoke tension. If the tension
is put on too rapidly at one particular place in the rim,
it will be pulled out of shape to such an extent that it will
be difficult to get the rim true again in the round.
Fitting New Spoke.—This is a simple job if the wheel
has not been made out of truth by the absence of the
spoke’s support. Get the length for the new spoke by the
old one if still in the rim, or if missing, by one of the others.
See that the spoke is of equal gauge and fits the nipple.
In the absence of a knowledge of the make of nipples and
spoke-screwing with which the wheel is made, it is as well
to fit a new nipple, which is known to suit the thread of
the new spoke fitted. Tighten up the spoke to an equal
tension to the remainder, and test for truth as already
Replacing a broken spoke on the clutch side of a rear
wheel without removing the clutch is only a makeshift
job, unless the hub flange is provided with slots as well
as holes. The job is done by enlarging the hole sufficiently
to push the head of the spoke through, or by screwing a
small nut or washer on the end after putting through the
Washers used in wheel building are of various patterns,
one of the best being that known as the “ flanged washer.”