Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts

År: 1916

Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD

Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne

Sider: 152

UDK: 629.118

With 79 Illustrations

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overhauling a bicycle T9 sprocket, but for removing the sprocket a special shaped metal vice clamp, made to fit the part to which the sprocket . is screwed, will be desirable. In its absence, the best way will be to replace the hub in the forks of the machine with the brake arm fixed to the chain-stay, and make all tight up in the fork ends. Then place the sprocket remover over the sprocket, put all the pressure on it possible, and if it will not start, give the end of the remover a sharp blow with a hammer whilst pressure is on. Fitting Free Wheel. —A free wheel clutch can generally be fitted to a hub in the place of a fixed wheel without necessitating any other alteration. The exception is when the clutch is part of a special-pattern hub. To fit a free- wheel, the old chain ring must be removed, and the diameter of the hub barrel and the number of threads to the inch then ascertained, as the free-wheel must agree with the old fixed one in such matters. For removing the old chain ring, it is necessary to take off the lock ring, this having a left-handed screw and unscrewing to the right. The lock nut contains pin-holes, and a pin-spanner fitting in these holes must be used to remove the nut ; or it may be knocked round with a hammer and small punch. I or removing the chain ring, a punch or a chain-ring remover must be employed. Simply remove the chain, take out the back wheel, remove lock nut and chain wheel, screw the free-wheel on the hub as far as it will go, replace the back wheel and chain, and rotate the crank until the free- wheel is locked tightly against the shoulder of the hub barrel. Adapting Free-wheel Clutch to a Small Hub.—