Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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of repairing which otherwise would be unnecessary. It
should be noted that a high-class cycle tyre tube should
be light in weight compared with a common quality of
same size and thickness of sheet. The better the quality,
the lighter the rubber and the more elastic and tenacious
it should be, whereas a common, much-adulterated rubber
will be heavy and non-elastic, more or less. A “ floating ”
rubber will float in water, and only the best rubber will
do this (solid bulk, not a hollow piece). If a small piece,
of the rubber is scratched up with the finger-nail, the
elasticity can be very fairly tested by a person who is
used to it.
Surface Cuts in Covers.—Surface cuts in the tread
of the cover are the beginning of nearly all tyre cover
troubles, and should be looked for and attended to at once.
When the rubber tread gets cut the wet is let into the
fabric, which quickly rots, and causes unsightly bulges.
With continued neglect, a burst is inevitable.
Where the cut has not damaged the inner fabric of the
cover it may be treated from the outside only. Thoroughly
clean the cover where to be repaired, by brushing with a
stiff brush, get all grit out from the cut, and finally clean
it out well with a rag moistened with petrol, benzolene or
naphtha, not paraffin. (The last-named soon deteriorates
the quality of rubber.) Give the edges of the cut a coat
of solution, working it well into the cut ; allow to dry, and
give another coat. The cut should then be filled up with
a little tyre stopping, which may be purchased at any
cycle shop. Press this well into the cut, and allow to stand
for at least twenty-four hours before using the machine