Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts

År: 1916

Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD

Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne

Sider: 152

UDK: 629.118

With 79 Illustrations

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50 CYCLE REPAIRING useless cover, giving it many more months of usefulness. The repairer must, of course, use his discretion as to whether the condition of the tread of the cover is suffici- ently good to warrant spending the time on a re-lining job. Rolls of prepared canvas can be purchased cut specially for the purpose for from 9d. to Is., and about \ lb. at least of solution will be required. Turn the cover inside out, hang it over a piece of wood fixed to the workbench, so that it will hang straight and may be easily handled and turned round as required. Un- roll the prepared canvas or fabric, and run it round the cover to get the correct length. It should lap over some 4 in. to 6 in., and the ends should be cut diagonally. Clean the surface of the tyre fabric as previously explained, and give two or three good coats of solution and one good coat to the proofed side of the new material to be used for relining. When the solution has sufficiently dried, the lining can be put on. This is a somewhat difficult job to do properly, so as to get the lining central. The main thing to watch is to get it started squarely, or it will gradually run off and work to one side, so that there is not sufficient material to turn over the bead or wire at one side and too much on the other. It is as well for the beginner to get assistance by having the end held out straight whilst laying on the first part. Proceed by getting a start as squarely as possible, laying on lightly in the centre only first until it is seen that a square and even start has been made. Then press down to the edges for a foot or so, leaving the turning over of the beads or wires until the last. Be careful to press