Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts

År: 1916

Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD

Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne

Sider: 152

UDK: 629.118

With 79 Illustrations

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56 CYCLE REPAIRING and re-making, is to undo about three parts of the joint, roll it back, clean, and well solution the two surfaces before bringing them together again. If it is desirable to take the joint wholly apart, proceed as follows : With a brush apply a little petrol to the joint, keeping the tube slightly stretched ; on contact with the solvent the old cement will be dissolved and the tube will be found to separate. Turn one end inside out for about 3 in., clean it, and put some cylindrical object of a suitable size into the turned back piece. Be careful that the tube is not twisted. Clean the outside of the other end and draw this end over the other one to within 1|- in. of the extremity of the first one. Then coat with solution and lay aside to get tacky. Double one end back over the other, and allow sufficient time to dry. Then remove the cylinder from the tube, and pull the inner tube out straight ; the joint is now complete. A Puncture “ Stopping ” Method.—For mending small punctures, an American writer has recommended a device consisting of a large darning needle with its point inserted into a wooden handle. There are two pins also in the handle, projecting from opposite sides, and the top of the needle is cut off, leaving the end of the eye open. The idea is easily grasped To mend a puncture, stretch elastic rubber bands over the pins and through the slot in the end of the needle as tightly as possible until judg- ment shows that there is enough rubber to fill the puncture. Then insert needle and rubber through the puncture in the tyre, throw the rubber off the pins, and withdraw the needle. The rubber being tightly stretched will contract when