Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts

År: 1916

Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD

Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne

Sider: 152

UDK: 629.118

With 79 Illustrations

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58 CYCLE REPAIRING in section by Fig. 34; the projecting ears j j fit into slots in the end of the body of the valve, and thus the plug is prevented from turning. The sleeve k screws on to the body a and holds the plug in position ; this plug has a small hole drilled nearly through it lengthways, and another hole through the side meets this as shown. When the dust cap L is removed from the stem the in- flätor can be screwed on in its place ; the air is forced through the small hole, and by stretching the rubber reaches the tyre tube. When the force of air ceases the rubber closes over the small hole in the side of the plug. When the tyre is pumped up sufficiently hard, unscrew the inflätor and replace the dustcap. To deflate the tyre unscrew the sleeve K two or three turns and draw the plug G outwards, and the air will escape, m is for attach- ing the dustcap chain. Leaky Yalve.—A valve may leak at three places : where it is fitted to the air tube, between the main part and the removable piece, and at the extreme point of the valve when the cap is removed. The first may be caused by the nut not being tight enough to hold the head of the valve down on the seating. The remedy is to tighten the nut. Or it may be caused by the head of the valve having cut into the tube. In this case re-fit- the valve in a fresh place, and fix a patch over the old valve hole. To fit the valve, cut a circular hole | in. in diameter, wet the head of the valve, and push it through. Solution the under side of the valve tab and also the surrounding surface of the air tube, then press the tab down. The second and third are caused by a perished or torn