Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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mainly on the smoothness of the finished surface of the
work to be coated ; the very best of enamelling will look
poor if applied to a rough surface. Therefore, the higher
degree of finish that is put on the work before enamelling,
the better will be the ultimate result. After the final
polishing, dust and rub over with a clean piece of linen
rag dipped in turpentine, and after that do not handle the
tubes with the bare hand, but wrap some paper round a
convenient part for handling. If a very highly finished,
glass-like appearance is required, as seen on new high-
class machines, the work must be hand polished after the
final coat ; but this will, pf course, be charged extra for.
It is not every enameller who can undertake hand polishing,
as it is generally done by women who do nothing else ;
but most large firms will do it if specified for.
Precautions.—Precautions must be taken that the
threaded parts, such as the inside of the bracket, lubricator
holes, etc., do not get filled up with enamel, as this will be
found very troublesome when re-assembling, especially if
taps are not available with which to clean out the threads.
Wooden plugs or corks should be screwed into these parts
to keep the enamel from getting in. Another item which
may be overlooked is that when the pin and nut which
hold the top of the back stays to the seat lug are removed,
there is no support for the back forks, and it may happen
if the frame is roughly handled that this part may get
badly strained and out of truth, so it is as well to fit a
dummy pin and nut in this part to prevent this.
Re-assembling the Parts.—When the parts have
been received back from the enamellers and platers and