Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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written to and a stamped envelope sent for return, the
number of the machine given, and saying that the machine
has been re-enamelled. The enameller will fix them on
properly if told just where they are required ; or if it is
preferred to fix them at home, a little good gold-size is
required. Place the transfer face upwards on a flat sur-
face, and give the pattern only a thin, even coat with a
small camel-hair brush. Let this stand until almost dry,
so that it only just feels “ tacky ” when touched with the
finger tip. Place in position, carefully press down, and
rub firmly all over with a piece of rag, being very careful
not to move the transfer in its place, or it will be spoilt.
Now damp the surface of the transfer with a sponge and
warm water for preference, and after two or three minutes
lift one corner and peel off. When quite dry give the sur-
face of the transfer a coat of the gold-size or transparent
varnish. It should be stoved to set the varnish properly ;
but in the absence of a stove warm the back of the work
over a gas jet, being careful not to make it too hot and so
blister the gold. Do not be in too great a hurry to put
the transfer on after gold-sizing it, but let it get a good
dry “ tack ” before applying. Ninety per cent, of failures
in transfer fixing are caused by not giving the gold-size
time to set properly. Should it appear rather too dry,
slightly warm the surface of the work before putting on
the transfer.
The fixing of transfers is a fairly simple operation when
the surface to which the transfer is to be applied is a flat
panel or a round bar ; but in the case of a mudguard,
where the surface is parabolic, it is very difficult to press