Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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there is no abrupt termination to them ; then the patched
place will not be visible.
Preparing the Work.—To make a good job, the
machine must be taken to pieces, and all the old enamel
cleaned off, as explained in the preceding chapter, in
preparing the parts for sending away to the enameller’s.
A very important item is the workshop or room in which
the job is to be done. The preparation of the work can be
done anywhere that is convenient ; but the painting or
enamelling requires a suitable room. Dust, cold, or
draughts are fatal to good work, so a room must be selected
free from these drawbacks. Not only must the room be
clean and free from dust, but the workman’s clothes should
be free from dust.
The tools must be clean also. These precautions more
especially apply to the final varnishing, and for this warmth
is particularly desirable. The domestic kitchen with a
fire, and the door shut, is a desirable place. A suitable
brush or brushes are necessary. A common penny paint
or gum brush is not suitable; but get a 1-in. or l|-in.
flat camel-hair or similar brush. If this is carefully
cleaned after using for the first coating, it can be used for
varnish ; but get it perfectly clean, first in turpentine, and
then wash well in warm soap and water, and dry before
using again.
It may be inconvenient to get a small quantity of suit-
able materials from the colour and varnish people, and as
so little will be required, probably the best way will be to
go to a carriage builder’s and get the colours and varnish
from them ready mixed for use.