Panama-Canalen i 1912
Forfatter: C. P. O. Moltke
År: 1912
Forlag: Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag
Sted: Kjøbenhavn og Kristiania
Sider: 137
UDK: 626.1-3 L (Amerika) TB Gl.
DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000116
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They shall especially demand the suppression of any work or
the dispersion of any assemblage on either bank of the canal, the
object or effect of which might be to interfere with the liberty and
the entire security of the navigation.
Article IX.
The Egyptian Government shall, within the limits of its powers
resulting from the Firmans, and under the conditions provided for
in the present treaty, take the necessary measures for insuring
the execution of the said treaty.
In case the Egyptian Government should not have sufficient
means at its disposal, it shall call upon the Imperial Ottoman Go-
vernment, which shall take the necessary measures to respond to
such appeal; shall give notice thereof to the signatory powers of
the declaration of London of the 17th March; 1885; and shall, if
necessary, concert with them on the subject.
The provisions of Articles IV, V, VII shall not interfere with
the measures which shall be taken in virtue of the present article.
Article X.
Similarly, the provisions of Articles IV, V, and VIII shall not
interfere with the measures which His Majesty, the Sultan and
His Highness the Khedive, in the name of His Imperial Majesty,
and within the limits of the firman granted, might find it neces-
sary to take for securing by their own forces the defense of Egypt
and the maintenance of public order.
In case His Imperial Majesty the Sultan or His Highness the
Khedive should find it necessary to avail themselves of the excep-
tions for which this article provides, the signatory powers of the
declaration of London shall be notified thereof by the Imperial
Ottoman Government.
It is likewise understood that the provisions of the foui artic-
les aforesaid shall in no case occasion any obstacle to the mea-
sures which the Imperial Ottoman Government may think it ne-
cessary to take in order to insure by its own forces the defence of
its other possessions situated on the eastern coast of the Red Sea.