Panama-Canalen i 1912
Forfatter: C. P. O. Moltke
År: 1912
Forlag: Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag
Sted: Kjøbenhavn og Kristiania
Sider: 137
UDK: 626.1-3 L (Amerika) TB Gl.
DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000116
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Annual Report of the Isthmian Canal Commission 1911. Washington.
Official Handbook of the Panama Canal, compiled by the Secretary of the
Isthmian Canal Commission, Ancon Canal Zone 1911.
Panama and the Canal to-day, Forbes Lindsay, Boston, L. C. Page & Co.,
Four Centuries of the Panama Canal, Willis Fletcher Johnson, New York,
1907, Henry Holt & Co.
Problems of the Panama Canal, Henry L. Abbot, New York, The Mac
Millan Co., 1907.
Ancient and Modern Engineering and the Isthmian Canal, William H. Burr,
New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1903.
The Canal Record.
Statical Abstracts of the United States. 1911.
Commander T. O. Selfridge’s Beretninger til det amerikanske Marinemini-
sterium om hans Expeditioner over den caledoniske Route samt San
Blas og Atratorouterne i 1870 og 1873.