A Treatise on the Theory of Screws

Forfatter: Sir Robert Stawell Ball

År: 1900

Forlag: The University Press

Sted: Cambride

Sider: 544

UDK: 531.1

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104 the THEORY OF screws. [Ill- reference, we shall have for the intensity of the component of the resultant wrench on wn— 6"0n + </>"</>„. Hence the co-ordinates of the resultant wrench are proportional to ... 6"6s + </>"</>6. 1 or equilibrium this screw must be reciprocal to a, whence we have P& (Ø'^ + </>"&) + ... + (0"0S + = 0, or> = 0. This equation merely expresses that the sum of the works done in a small twist about a against the wrenches on 0 and is zero. We also perceive that a given wrench may be always replaced by a wrench of appropriate intensity on any other screw, in so far as the effect on a body only free to twist about a is concerned. It may not be out of place to notice the analogy which the equation just written bears to the simple problem of the determination of the condition that two forces should be unable to disturb the equilibrium of a particle only free to move on a straight line. If P, Q be the two forces, and if I, m be the angles which the forces make with the direction in which the particle can move, then the condition is— P cos I + Q cos m — 0. This suggests an analogy between the virtual co-efficient of two screws, and the cosine of the angle between two lines. 112. Particular Case. If a body having freedom of the first order be in equilibrium under the action of gravity, then the vertical through the centre of inertia must lie in the plane of reciprocal screws of zero pitch, drawn through the centre of inertia. 113. Impulsive Forces. If an impulsive wrench of intensity act on the screw >/, while the body is only permitted to twist about a, then we have seen in § 90 how the twist velocity produced can be found. We shall now determine the impulsive reaction ot the constraints. This reaction must be an impulsive wrench of intensity X'" on a screw X, which is reciprocal to a. The determination of X may be effected geometrically in the following manner:—Let p be the screw, an impulsive wrench on which would, if the body were perfectly free, cause an instantaneous twisting motion about a (§ 80). Draw the cylindroid (y, p).