A Treatise on the Theory of Screws

Forfatter: Sir Robert Stawell Ball

År: 1900

Forlag: The University Press

Sted: Cambride

Sider: 544

UDK: 531.1

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120] FREEDOM OF THE SECOND ORDER. 109 Let X, fi, v be three screws upon a cylindroid, and let A, B, G denote the angles between /z v, between v X, and between X p, respectively. If wrenches of intensities X", p", v", on X, p, v, respectively, are in equilibrium, we must have (§ 14):— > // // // A. /Z V sin A sin B sin G' But we have also as a necessary condition that if each wrench be resolved into six component wrenches on six screws of reference, the sum of the intensities of the three components on each screw of reference is zero; whence Xj sin A + /i, sin B + sin G = 0, X6 sin A + pa sin B + v6 sin (7=0. From these equations we deduce the following corollaries:— The screw of which the co-ordinates are proportional to u'Xl + bplt ... aX6 + bpe, lies on the cylindroid (X, p), and makes angles with the screws X, p, of which the sines are inversely proportional to a and b. The two screws, of which the co-ordinates are proportional to aX, + bpi,... aXc + bp,it and the two screws X, p are respectively parallel to the four rays of a plane harmonic pencil. 120. Screws on One Line. There is one case in which a body has freedom of the second order that demands special attention. Suppose the two given screws 0, (f>, about which the body can be twisted, happen to lie on the same straight line, then the cylindroid becomes illusory. If the amplitudes of the two twists be O', $>', then the body will have received a rotation O' + <f>', accompanied by a trans- lation O'po + This movement is really identical with a twist on a screw of which the pitch is: O'pe + <f>'P<b 0‘ + <p' Since O', <j>' may have any ratio, we see that, under these circumstances, the screw system which defines the freedom consists of all the screws with pitches ranging from — oo to + co, which lie along the given line. It follows (§ 47), that the co-ordinates of all the screws about which the body can be twisted are to be found by giving a; all the values from — oo to + oo in the expressions: x dR „ x dR U1 + ApidOi’" ^Ip.dO,’ in which R = (0l + 02)2 + (03 + 04)2 + (05 + 0,;)a.