A Treatise on the Theory of Screws
Forfatter: Sir Robert Stawell Ball
År: 1900
Forlag: The University Press
Sted: Cambride
Sider: 544
UDK: 531.1
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§§ page
152. Work done by a Twist.......................................141
153. Law of Distribution of v...................................142
154. Conjugate Screws of Potential..............................142
155. Determination of the Wrench evoked by a Twist..............143
156. Harmonic Screws............................................143
157. Small Oscillations in general..............................144
158. Conclusion.................................................144
The Geometry of the Gylindroid.
159. Another Investigation of the Cylindroid....................146
160. Equation to Plane Section of Cylindroid....................152
161. Chord joining Two Screws of Equal Pitch....................155
162. Parabola.............. 157
163. Chord joining Two Points...................................160
164. Reciprocal Screws..........................................161
165. Application to the Plane Section...........................163
166. The Central Section of the Cylindroid . . . . . . . 166
167. Section Parallel to the Nodal Line.........................167
168. Relation between Two Conjugate Screws of Inertia...........168
Freedom of the Third Obder.
169. Introduction...............................................170
170. Screw System of the Third Order............................170
171. The Reciprocal Screw System................................171
172. Distribution of the Screws.................................171
173. The Pitch Quadric..........................................172
174. The Family of Quadrics.....................................173
175. Construction of a Three-system from Three given Screws . . . . 175
176. Screws through a Given Point...............................176
177. Locus of the feet of perpendiculars on the generators . . . . 178
178. Screws of the Three-System parallel to a Plane.............179
179. Determination of a Cylindroid..............................180
180. Miscellaneous Remarks......................................182
181. Virtual Coefficients.......................................183
182. Four Screws of the Screw System............................184
183. Geometrical Notes..........................................184
184. Cartesian Equation of the Three-System . . . . . . . 184
185. Equilibrium of Four Forces applied to a Rigid Body .... 186
186. The Ellipsoid of Inertia .......... 187
187. The Principal Screws of Inertia............................188
188. Lemma......................................................189