A Treatise on the Theory of Screws

Forfatter: Sir Robert Stawell Ball

År: 1900

Forlag: The University Press

Sted: Cambride

Sider: 544

UDK: 531.1

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208] PLANE REPRESENTATION OF THE THIRD ORDER. 207 A pair of reciprocal screws are conjugate points with respect to the zero- pitch conic. From this theorem we can at once draw the following conclusions:— All the screws of the system reciprocal to a given screw 0 lie upon a cylindroid. For the locus of points conjugate to 6 is, of course, the polar of 6 with respect to the zero-pitch conic, and this polar will correspond to a cylindroid. On any cylindroid one screw can always be found reciprocal to a given screw 6. For this will be the intersection of the polar of 6 with the line corresponding to the given cylindroid. A triad of co-reciprocal screws will correspond to a self-conjugate triangle of the conic of zero-pitch. 208. The Principal Screws of the System. Draw the conic of zero-pitch A, and the conic of infinite pitch B, which intersect in the four screws of indeterminate pitch, Py,P2> Ps, Pt (see fig- 39). Draw the diagonals of the complete quadrilateral, and let them intersect in Fig. 39. the points X, Y, Z. These three points are significant. Take any pair of them, X and Y; then, by the known properties of conics, X and Y are con- jugate points with respect to both of the conics A and B. The screws X