A Treatise on the Theory of Screws

Forfatter: Sir Robert Stawell Ball

År: 1900

Forlag: The University Press

Sted: Cambride

Sider: 544

UDK: 531.1

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CHAPTER XVII . FREEDOM OF THE FIFTH ORDER. 229. Screw Reciprocal to Five Screws. There is no more important theorem in the Theory of Screws than that which asserts the existence of one screw reciprocal to five given screws. At the commencement, therefore, of the chapter of which this theorem is the foundation, it may be well to give a demonstration founded on elementary principles. Let one of the five given screws be typified by æ-<xk y — yk z-zk -7r<pitch“n)' while the desired screw is defined by x — y — y’ z - z, ., , ■ v~ = ~/=“7~(piteh = ^ The condition of reciprocity (§ 20) produces five equations of the following type + [(p + pt) ak + ykyk - ßkzk\ + ß [(p + pk) ßk + akzk - y^] + ?[(? + Pit) 7k + ßkXk - akyk} + ak (yy' - ßz) + ßk (az' - 7«;') + Yk (ß®’ ~ ay') = 0. From these five equations the relative values of the six quantities a, ß Y> YV' ~ ßz’> az ~ 7X’, ßx' — ay' can be determined by linear solution. Introducing these values into the identity «(?/ — ßz') + ß(fl,z — yx) + y (ßx — ay') = 0, gives the equation which determines p.