A Treatise on the Theory of Screws

Forfatter: Sir Robert Stawell Ball

År: 1900

Forlag: The University Press

Sted: Cambride

Sider: 544

UDK: 531.1

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265] EMAN ANTS AND PITCH INVARIANTS. 277 If three screws, a, ß, y, are all parallel to the same plane, and if 6 be a sci’ew normal to that plane, then we must have dR> n dR n 0! 37 ■ da.! a dR 1 dß i ■ 1 a dR _ „ "+9tdßt- ’ a dR .. + 06^ = o. 264. Conditions that Three Screws shall be parallel to a Plane. Since a screw of a three-system can be drawn parallel to any direction, it will be possible to make any three of the quantities ... equal to zero. Hence, we have as the condition that the three screws, a, ß, y shall be all parallel to a plane the evanescence of all the determinants of the type dR d«! ’ dR da2 ’ dR da3 dR dR dR dßi dß2 ’ dß3 dR dR dR dyr ’ dy2 ’ dy3 265. Screws on the same Axis. The locus of the screws 0 perpendicular to a is represented by the equation /> i ü dR ß If we assume that the screws of reference are co-reciprocal, then the equation just written can only denote all the screws reciprocal to the one screw whose co-ordinates are LdR l_dR Pi dat’ ■” peda6' It is manifest that all the screws perpendicular to a given line cannot be reciprocal to a single screw unless the pitch of that screw be infinite, other- wise the condition (pa +Pe) cos </> — d! sin </> = 0 could not be fulfilled. We therefore see that the co-ordinates just written can only denote those of a screw of infinite pitch parallel to a.