A Treatise on the Theory of Screws

Forfatter: Sir Robert Stawell Ball

År: 1900

Forlag: The University Press

Sted: Cambride

Sider: 544

UDK: 531.1

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318 THE THEORY OF SCREWS. [298, Let Po'/’l — a@l = -3^1; Pe'/’s ~ b03 = Äs, Pe(t>s~ cds = Xs> Pecl)2 4" ^^2 — X3f Pe^i + ^4 = Xit pe<ps + C0S = Xs, and the equation becomes 0 = («, + as) (X, + X,) + (a, + a4) (X3 + X4) + (a6 + a6) (X, + X6); and the two other L equations give ° = (Ä + Ä) (X3 + Z2) + (ß3 + ft) (X3 + Z4) + (ft + Ä) (X5 + X8), 0 = (yj + y2) (X-L + Za) + (y3 + y4) (X3 + Z4) + (y6 + 76) (X5 + Xs). It we eliminate X3+X3, X3 + X4, Xs + Xe from these equations, we should have 0 = oti + a2 Ä+/3, 71 + a3+ a4 Ä + Ä Va+ 7t a5+ a6 ßs + ße 7i + Vs But this would only be the case if a, ß, 7 were parallel to a plane, which is not generally true. Therefore, we can only satisfy these equations, under ordinary circumstances, by the assumption JTj 4- X3 = 0, X3 + X4 = 0, Xs + Xs = 0. In like manner, the equations of the M type give Pø^a<f> PoL^Ør] 0> Pe^ßt — Pß^el — 0> — Py^ei — 0. Substituting, in the first of these, we get + Pe (««101 — aa2</>2 + 6a3</>3 — 6a4^>4 + ca5</>5 — ca6</>6), — pa (ayidi - at)302 + bT]303 — byjiOt + - erlös') = 0; which reduces to aajJTi — a«sJT2 4- ba3X3 — &a4X4 + ca3X3 — ca3Xe = 0; but we have already seen that Xj + 2l2 = 0, &c., whence we obtain XT (aa. + aa2) + X3 (ba3 + 6a4) + X3 (ca5 + ca6) = 0; with the similar equations Xt (aß, + aß2) + X3 (bß3 + bß4) + X5 (eßs + eße) = 0, ((171 + ay3) + X3 (by3 + by4) + X6 (cy5 + cy6) — 0. These prove that, unless a, ß, y be parallel to a plane, we must have